Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More Photos from the Adirondack Summer Outing

Don at Lower Ausable Lake

Andrew Miller on Haystack

Don on Haystack with Storm Closing In

Tony and Julian Stauffer on Haystack

Julian and Andrew at the Boathouse

Tony and Julian on Haystack with the Storm from Behind

Tony, Julian, and Andrew at Upper Boathouse

Don Healy on Noonmark

Monday, June 25, 2012

First Photos from the Summer Weekend at the Ausable Club in the Adirondack High Peaks

First picture of a beaver in the pond on the Ausable Club on the way to Round Pond.

Beaver in the pond on Yellow Trail at the Ausable Club to Round Lake.

Both photos submitted by Vic Benes.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

AAC NYS Training Hike - June 17th

Looking to get ready for summer hiking season?

Vic Benes is running a moderate (~ 10-12 miles) hike in Harriman Park on Sunday June 17 (Father's Day), rain or shine. The #401 Short Line bus leaves Port Authority at 8:23 AM, and arrives in Tuxedo at 9:17 AM. Depending on how many people come from Manhattan by bus, some drivers shall volunteer or be recruited to meet that bus in the commuter parking just across the tracks after a right on East Village Rd. on RT. 17 going N in Tuxedo. Drivers not so engaged should muster at Reeves Brook on 7 Lakes Drive and wait for the bus contingent. One hike option is the blue/white blazed 7 Hills trail that starts at Reeves parking, with return along Reeves Brook, but there are others; the choice may depend on the availability of parking at the Reeves Brook lot at that hour, and on preferences as to length and severity expressed en route. Bring boots, lunch, liquids, sunblock, and rain gear. Others of the Ten Essentials are optional. Please register your intent to join us with vabenes@earthlink.net or call him on his cell 798 662 3991.